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Ages 4 - 6

4-5pm on Saturdays


Session 1: What is a child?

                     - What is the difference between a child and an adult?

                           - When do we become an adult?


Session 2: Being a girl or a boy, is that the same?

                           - What is the difference between a boy and a girl?

                           - Do they play with the same toys?

                           - Are they asked to do the same things?


Session 3: What does it mean to be happy?

                           - In which situations are you happy?

                           - Is happiness the same thing for everyone?


Session 4: What is a friend?

                           - What do we do with our friends?

                           - How do you choose them?

                           - Why do we have friends?


Session 5: What is beauty?

                           - Do we all agree on what is beautiful?

                           - How do we define beauty?


Session 6: Why can't we do whatever we want?

                           - Why are certain things forbidden?

                           - Why are there rules?

                           - What does it mean to be free?


Session 7: Should we always tell the truth?

                           - Why do we lie or tell the truth?

                           - How can we be sure we are telling the truth?            

Session 8: What happens when we make a mistake?

                           - Is it all right to be wrong?

                           - Can we learn without making mistakes?

                           - is it possible to be perfect?


Session 9: Why is it sometimes unfair?

                           - What is really unfair?

                           - Should everyone get the same thing in order to be fair?

                           - How can we be fair?


Session 10: What is life?

                           - What does it mean to be alive?

                           - Is a human life the same as an animal's or a plant's?

Little Philosophers

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