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About the grown-up

My name is François, I am French and I have been living in Singapore for almost 30 years. When Yann, my son, was born, many questions came to my mind: how do we teach children to be active and useful members of society? How do we help them to be independent and think for themselves?... Could my philosophical studies help me in raising my child?

Philosophy for Children

I then came across some books to teach philosophy to children, written in French. I bought one and I realized that philosophy could be taught to very young children. Then, I saw this film, about teaching philosophy to 4-year old children:






















Inspired, I told myself I would definitely try that with my son and maybe his friends, and maybe more…


And here we are.



“No testimonials as yet, as we are only just starting this project. However,  it will come...”

Philosophy for Children in Singapore

Primary Schools


P4C was tried out in Singapore in several Primary schools: Pandan Primary School (in 1992), Henry Park Primary (in 1993), Nanyang Primary (in 1995) and Woodlands Primary School (in 2006)... In 2005, a P4C research study took place in an East Zone primary school. A Symposium was organised in 2016 to look at this experience in Singapore.



Little Philosophers

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